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We are a dynamic, ever changing artist collective, based in Vrouwenpolder and Domburg, Netherlands.

In 2018 we created a working and showroom environment for artists from Zeeland as well as for artists from the Netherlands and all over Europe.

Our collective is a group of pretty diverse people.

We provide a wide scale of national, international art and consciousness coaching.

Learn more about the people, who have been exhibiting, in the section

Artist Collective.


Wir sind ein dynamisches, wechselndes Künstler/Coaching Kollektiv, mit Studiositz in Vrouwenpolder und Domburg, Niederlande.

2018 gründeten wir ein Arbeits- und Ausstellungsumfeld für nationale und internationale Künstler.

Unser Kollektiv ist eine wechselnde Gruppe unterschiedlicher Künstler und Musikern.

 Wir bieten ein umfassendes Kunstangebot, als auch Bewusstseins-Coaching an.

Erfahre mehr über die Menschen, die bereits in unserem Kollektiv exposiert haben in der Rubrik

Artist Collective.


People, who have been exhibiting in the past or were part of the collective, through music and other art forms

Michael Johannes Kluin



Founder & Creator of Atelier8A

New Business Developer





New Energy


  • Already as a young child, Michael loved painting. In his childhood and youth in the 80s, especially comics were his inspiration

  • Later as a young man his focus was a career in the fashion and social media marketing business. Through this way photography as a passion came on his path

  • The passion for painting lit up again in 2014

  • Each of his paintings and sketches are coming right from his soul



Content Manager

Content Manager

+31 6 555 92689

Atelier8A Main Gallery

Vrouwenpolderseweg 81

4354 ND Vrouwenpolder



Atelier8A Workspace

Weverijstraat 11
4357 AD Domburg


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©2023 Atelier8A

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